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Type: Posts; User: stu

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  1. Hi,

    I am creating windows via DirectEvents which is working well. But once I have a window open, and want to open a nested modal window it appears within the constrains of the panel from which...
  2. Hi guys,

    I am rewriting an application in Ext 2.0 and am looking for a way to load a Panel from an MVC controller.

    I can load using LoadMode.Frame from a Razor view, but I would prefer to use a...
  3. Hi Daniil,

    The version that was working with Coolite.UX.TinyMCE is Coolite.Ext.UX.dll version


    Stu W
  4. I have been using Coolite.UX.TinyMCE components before upgrading to 1.0. I assumed that the 1.0 release would have included some kind of UX namespace and therefore TinyMCE.

    How do I use this...
  5. Hi Ankit,

    I am no expert but I know what it's like to have no replies to your query!

    There is nothing within coolite (Ext.Net) to provide that kind of functionality - you will need to use a...
  6. I have a store using an HttpProxy which is working fine to do remote paging, sorting etc.

    Some of the BaseParams (start, limit) are set automatically by the pageing toolbar which also works fine. ...
  7. Hi,

    I am creating a grid connected to a store with a JsonReader - generated at runtime. In general this works fine. But on this occassion one of the fields I am adding as a RecordField to the...
  8. Hi

    Thanks for the quick response.

    When you say "control loading" is not supported, are you just referring to the contols.add line, or the tabs.add line as well?

    I really want...
  9. Hi all,

    I'm having some trouble getting codebehind to work properly. I am for example trying to add a tab to a TabPanel in codebehind called as an AjaxMethod .. coded as below:

Results 1 to 9 of 9