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Type: Posts; User: Puia

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  1. Dim cl As New Ext.Net.ComponentLoader cl.Url = "Grafico.aspx?Cod=" & Grafico.Item("cod_grafico").ToString
    cl.Mode = Ext.Net.LoadMode.Frame

    pl1.Loader = cl

  2. Hi all,

    Dont know if is a bug on Calendar v1, but on some machines on my network the day on 08/20 appear two times on calendar. And the events on this day until 08/31 are not showing too...

  3. Dudes,

    Another question:

    If the user only put AfterDate, for example. How to set only this value to the date filter and ignore the other ???

    SetValue(av, bv) return a error if one of the...
  4. Tks Peter,

    But i found another solution, as follow:

    If e.ExtraParams("fltGeral").ToString = "{}" Then
  5. Hi all,

    I am trying to get the values of my gridfilters to save on database for the user can select then and set in execution time on the grid.

    The set is working good, but the get dont.

  6. Hi all,

    I am having a strange problem with my site. I have two aspx with the same window. In one of then all working good, in another i cannot get the selecteditem.value of the combobox...
  7. Dear Mario,

    I having some problem with combobox now...

    When i set disabled=true in VB code, cannot get the selecteditem.value from then.. but the combox show the right text.

    Any idea ???
  8. Hi my friend Mario...

    Works again.. Very tks.

    U know a way to limit the size of file on the CommomDialog (like a filter)...

    My problem now is:
  9. Hi all,

    Has FileUploadField any limit ???

    When a put a 2MB file and uploading to server ok, but is get a bigger file 4 to 5MB i receive a BADRESPONSE from the server...

    Any idea ??
  10. Great.. it works...

    Very tks...
  11. Hi, i have the same problem and using 0.8.2 already...

    The text is show in the textarea, but if i try to get the .text on codebehind is allways nullstring.

    If i enter in the filed and put a...
  12. Dear Vlad,

    I use your sample with the DLLs here and works good (changing to VB project), then i copy the Store and the combo from my project and simulate the same thing that i do on him, and work...
  13. Hi Vlad, tks for the reply.

    I change to SetValueAndFireSelect but continue without work. :^(

    I dont know if i have a Reference problem...

    I am using:
  14. I have problems after upgrade to 0.8.2...

    Already change the Enabled = False to Disabled = True in all objects that use Enabled = False

    In the code bellow i use the SetValue in a combobox that...
  15. Hi all...

    I am using Disabled instead Enabled.. but i have the follow problem....

    When a combobox is disabled = true they not return the selecteditem.value, why ????

    I try to set the...
  16. Hi, i am using ajaxevents and passing the combobox, the select and the default value on a sub (

    <ext:ComboBox id="cmbArea" runat="server" FieldLabel="Área"...
  17. Thread: Problem with Tabs

    by Puia
    Bur, now i have another problem, and the forst solution dont work....

    This time i am puting a gridpanl in the second tab. If i put the bottom bar in the grid it not appear, but if i remove it...
  18. Thread: Problem with Tabs

    by Puia
    I find a solution to this problem:

    <Activate Handler="#{Tab4}.doLayout()" />

    Put this listener in the second tab and work fine... The controls are showing now.
  19. Thread: Problem with Tabs

    by Puia
    I have the following code and when i open the window the first tab show ok but the second tab dont. If i resize the window the content of tab are show how must on the window open. Any solution ???
  20. Hi all,

    I have a codebehind to bind a store and a grid dinamically, but if i change the SELECT (columns of the grid) the page cannot function like i want. The first load (page_load) working good,...
  21. Ok, resolved...

    Is in the Format property....

    Tks for the response....
  22. in the Format property ???

    Format = "dd/MM/yyyy"


  23. Hi all, i am having troubles with a datefield...

    When the application will saving the data from the form the SelectedDate returns #12:00:00 AM# and not the date selected...

    The field datefile...
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