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Type: Posts; User: developerpr

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  1. How I can make my responsive web pages ? Currently I have version 2.5 and web use EXTNET form . Thank you very much for your help. The latest version of is responsive ?
  2. Thank you... it work
  3. I want to change the button text: save and cancel.

  4. Buen d?a, quisiera saber c?mo personalizar los campos del EventWindow. Yo s?lo deseo registrar el t?tulo, fecha, hora inicio y fin.
    Muchas gracias......
  5. I've solved today and actually, the problem was more than populate de gripanel. This was the solution:

    IE8 needs the KB976662 patch (, This is for...
  6. Hi,
    I have a problem, I have a listing gridPanel information database with current browsers there is no problem, but in Internet Explorer v8, shows an error at the time of listing. Attached image...
  7. Hello,
    I have a question, I'm using a GridPanel Control configured with CheckboxSelectionModel, I want to get the selected records and unselected
    Help please

    Thank you.
  8. Hi, I'm developing a Web Forms Project. When I go to "Desing View" I see something like this (below).


    I'm using Ext .NET 2.5 with Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate, Exist some support for design...
Results 1 to 8 of 8