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Type: Posts; User: delta

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  1. I have controller to get json:

    public JsonResult GetJsonGroupAcc()
    DataTable dt = UtContext.service.MainDb.SelectObjects("abgps_accounts_groups");
    string json...
  2. When I load my website, it no problem:
    When I Expand my panel, It no problem too.
    But after that, I have this error when I...
  3. <script type="text/javascript">
    var nodelist;
    nodelist = document.getElementsByName('grid-device-name')
    function gaSelectBind() {
  4. My boss request me use Javascript, Can I use it to call Javascript

    .SelectionModel(gaSelectModel => {
    gaSelectModel.Add(Html.X().RowSelectionModel().Listeners(garowSelectListen =>...
  5. I want to map data between 2 form in my Project like this:
    But this code is, I use MVC3.
    My Grid Panel
  6. In this Example:
    It use
    <Select OnEvent="RowSelect" Buffer="250">
  7. My Controller is here:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text;
  8. I use this code to add Chart in Panel:

    @(Html.X().Window().Title("Speed Report(Line Chart)").Layout(LayoutType.Fit).Width(1000).Height(500).Hidden(true).ID("ParkReportWindow").Add(
  9. My code here

    @Html.X().Button().Text("Click to show").OnClientClick("#{myWindow}.show();")
  10. My Menu Button, I want to use OnClientClick to show my window:

    @Html.X().Button().Text("Reports").Menu(menu =>
    menu.Add(Html.X().Menu().Items(itm =>
  11. I use this code to show the button in topbar, but topbar not show

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function mywin() {
    new Ext.Window({
    width: 600,
    height: 600,
Results 1 to 11 of 11