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Type: Posts; User: fragrance22

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  1. is there any solution?
  2. Hello ,

    I am using a check Column in my grid Panel and I want to make only one check editable how I can do that ..
    I need help as soon as possible

  3. Hello, I need help in this ..
    I am using NHibernate for my entities ... Also I have nested entities as foreign keys to my database ,,
    Also I am using the CRUD GridPanel that read its data from an...
  4. Hello, I need help in this ..
    I am using NHibernate for my entities ... Also I have nested entities as foreign keys to my database ,,
    Also I am using the CRUD GridPanel that read its data from an...
  5. In both cases I had a problem empty data ... Both cases reserves a place for my data but no data is displayed .
  6. I did solve the problem by identifying the store first in the design mode then assigning the StoreID .. :)

    Thank you very much :)
  7. Any reply ??
  8. Sorry , here is my code :

    List<myList> mylist=getMylist();
    comboBox combo=new combox{
    new Store {
  9. Now I have the problem also with a combo box here is the code of the combobox :

    List<myList> mylist=getMylist();
    comboBox combo=new combox{
    new Store {...
  10. I am adding a dynamic grid to a view port on click of a button the data in the store is from an ajax proxy , I am using the same code as in...
  11. Please could you tell me if that can be done ?
  12. No it won't exist it may be added after the save button is clicked ... I'm thinking of broadcasting the message or the data I want to the main page that contains the tabs then when adding the new...
  13. Yes I mean that ,, do you have any alternative for that ?
    for example : if a user entered his name in a textfield and click save button , I want to be able to read his name that have been entered...
  14. Dear Vladimir I know that I'm looking messy right now .. I just want to know how I could listen to messages in newly added tabs from the broadcasted messages in the previous tabs ,, It seems that...
  15. All this function is on the page load ...
  16. I am returning my data from a web handler as a json string here is my code of how I add the group tab panel :

    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(#"mysource"#)....
  17. ok firstly my problem started when I try to add a new dynamically created tab , the example provided here : I'm trying to use the example...
  18. I am creating an Ext.Net project and I have used the group tab panel in the link :

    The first thing is I want to add a new tab on each...
Results 1 to 18 of 18