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Type: Posts; User: qch2006qch

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  1. Thread: store issue

    by qch2006qch
    yes, this is a good way too.

    thanks a lot!
  2. Thread: store issue

    by qch2006qch
    thank you Daniil,

    this is my way to fix this issue:

    <ext:Column Header="Create Date" DataIndex="EntryDate" Width="150">
    <Renderer Fn="test" />
  3. Thread: store issue

    by qch2006qch
    function CorrespondencesRender() {
    CorrespondencesPanel.getStore().on('load', function(s, records) {
    s.each(function(r) {
  4. thanksthanksthanks
  5. Thread: AjaxEvents

    by qch2006qch
    I got a problem, why I can't find the AjaxEvents and AjaxEventArgs.
  6. thank u~the problem is fixed~
  7. HI ALL,
    I have a problem,I use the 'TableLayout' and it can show normally in firefox and ie8, but can't show in ie7 and ie7.
    This is my code:

    <ext:FormPanel ID="searchPanel"...
  8. hi,
    i have a gridpanel and in the listeners:AfterRender i have a function

    function bind() {
  9. <ext:FormPanel ID="formcode" runat="server" >
    <%=Html.TextArea("sds") %>
  10. hi,
    I have a question that I don't know how to read a image from []byte or MemoryStream.
    this is my code:

    private void OutPutValidateImage(HttpResponse response)
  11. hi all,
    now I have a button in the 'Close Me' TAB ,how to click the button close the current tab?

  12. hi all:

    <Load Handler="#{cbQuestion}.addItem(#{storeQuestion}.getAt(0).get('DropDownListText'),#{storeQuestion}.getAt(0).get('DropDownListValue')); " />

    this is my add method, but i don't how...
Results 1 to 12 of 12