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Type: Posts; User: Yemo

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  1. My Bad. Had assumed there was support for webform controls in Web Pages 2, and was mixing mvc razor with razor web pages.

    Found a corresponding article on what I was attempting to achieve, but its...
  2. Hello,

    Am struggling to get an Ext.NET Razor webpages sample working. The test Visual Studio project I built is failing with the following:
    'System.Web.WebPages.Html.HtmlHelper' does not contain...
  3. Actually, I was asking in the context of a licensed user using Ext.js for development also using the Sencha Visual Studio and Plugins ...
  4. Hello,

    is the EXT.NET INSTALLER PACKAGE meant to include Ext.JS? The download located at states that it Includes Ext JS 5.1.1 commercial, but the examples explorer zip...
  5. Thanks Daniil.

    I did but ended up with errors on my ResourceManager. Are ResourcePlaceHolder and ResourceManager not supposed to coexist on the same page?

  6. Anyone have a working sample of configuring User Extensions to work in (Ext.ux.Printer as an example)? Trying to reference any third party user extensions in JS client script gives an "ext is...
  7. Found the following post which is useful. But this seems to work for Ext.Window. Is there a similar function for Ext.desktopWindow? I want to get a list of all the Ext.desktopWindows on a desktop.
  8. Greetings. Any sample code for this? All other references/threads to timer based functonality seem to be missing
  9. [CLOSED] Ok. Its a simple case of removing the var = syntax.

  10. Hello,

    The following javascript code is an example of the syntax required to perform custom rendering:

    var pctChange = function (value) {
    return String.format(template, (value < 0) ?...
  11. Hello,

    I am binding a gridpanel to a new store created in javascript from a client side array. The gridpanel already exists on the page but is being bound to the new store. The following syntax...
  12. Hello,

    Is there an easy way to refresh a Grid/Store ClientSide in javascript? I have a grid setup to a store with an array reader. The data is being returned from a webservice as a complex type...
  13. Thanks. I will try that out
  14. Hello,

    Is there a way of creating Multiple Row headers on a Gridpanel? What I am trying to do is have an overall header in row1 and sub headers in row 2.

    I noticed that there were samples but...
  15. That worked for me. Many thanks
  16. Hello,

    Is there any way to clear the value of a Control that has previously been shown? I tried clearing the "lastSelectionText" property of a dropdown as well as trying .setText = "" but to no...
  17. Is there any way of determining which control caused the ResourceManager control to fire a postback?

  18. Hello,

    I have now succeeded in "wiring up" event handling to code behind. The error I am now getting is 'controlid ' not found. I have defined the following objects at the class level:

  19. I also found this related link:

    Has the AjaxEvents been deprecated or should I be using...
  20. Ok. The peice that is not working for me is:

    AddHandler btnNext.Click, AddressOf WizNextClick

  21. Adding Click Event In Code Behind
    I have tried everything almost humanly possible :cool: to try and add a Click Event to a button In Code Behind. The challenge here is to build panels based on...
  22. ..Or should I be looking to modify the taskbar items directly? I saw mention somewhere that there is an Ext.ux.TaskBar.TaskButton item
  23. Thanks Vladimir. Ext.getCmp(object).setTitle(value) works for me in changing the window title effortlesly. However with the ShowInTaskBar property set to true, it doesnt change the title in the...
  24. Following on from this I hve a couple of issues:

    1) Cannot find an easy way to change the title of a window in javascript. Using Ext.getCmp("somevalue" works but...
  25. Following on from this I hve a coupl of issues:

    1) Cannot find an easy way to change the title of a window in javascript. Using Ext.getCmp("somevalue" works but...
Results 1 to 25 of 25