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Type: Posts; User: Uziel

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  1. I have a panel, and on the server, I add a bunch of child panels to it. When clicking on actions inside those child panels, there is a post back, and the panel is scrolled to the top.

  2. We are using the calendar for scheduling. It works amazingly well in month view, but when in day view with events for multiple people, things don't quite line up.

    First example is a simple one,...
  3. I have a control that is panel and other panels are added it to dynamically as subpanels. I am looking to be able to swap/reorder the panels without the use of a viewport and am wondering if this...
  4. In case anyone was interested, I figured it out.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    WarnOnClose = function (yes) {
    if (yes) {
    window.onbeforeunload = function...
  5. I am trying to warn a user if they are closing the window and have unsaved data. Unsaved data is defined by having nodes other than root in a treepanel.

    My current code is warning every time, even...
  6. In 1.5, I utilize the Two Grid example:

    I am attemping to do something similar except wanting to move records between a combo box...
  7. Thank you so much for your help. =)
  8. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
    I know that CheckedNodes will give me the checked nodes. For my current purposes, I need the tree as a collection so I can have a list of checked nodes AND unchecked nodes....
  9. I tried the equivalent code in 1.5 and it doesn't have "Checked" when using a handler. It does, however, have "Checked" when using another load method.
    When I switch the 2.0 code to use another load...
  10. tpPermissions.CheckedNodes populates the check/unchecked with the form tag, however I need to see checked/unchecked in e.RootNode.Children.

    protected void SubmitNodes(object sender,...
  11. Thanks for the quick reply.
    I added a form tag and still aren't getting any checked nodes via e.RootNode.
    tpPermissions.CheckedNodes has the checked nodes, but I need the entire tree and whether...
  12. I have a simplified example and it seems that "Checked" for every node, including root is false. After some searching, I added this to my click listener's handler:

  13. Default mode of calendar is Month view, and today is the default selected date. The extra parameter "ViewStart" is 10/30/2011, "ViewEnd" is 12/3/2011

    Using the date picker, I select Feb 1, 2012....
  14. Hello,
    I have a very simple grid panel that shows a ticket's comments. The comments are variable lengths.
    I don't want to set a column width to encompass the max comment size as its ugly in...
Results 1 to 14 of 14