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Type: Posts; User: amexus

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  1. Thanks very Much for the example and the resources, I have tried them in a standalone project and it works fine, yet when using MVC in vs2010, we get errors, so my guess is it is a problem in setting...
  2. Hi,
    I am new to coolite, and we are a team of 7 assigned to test ERP applications with HTML5 and mvc, and extjs library, we try to use coolite, but can never add tags like <Items><content><canvas>...
  3. Error 11 Type 'Coolite.Ext.Web.Panel' does not have a public property named 'BorderLayout'. c:\Users\kshoubag\documents\visual studio 2010\WebSites\coolitetest\Default.aspx 32

    WHy do I keep...
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