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Type: Posts; User: 4712635

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  1. thanks, and is there any client side drag&drop validation?
  2. I'm using drag/drop(insert mode) in two multiselect, I want to have a server-side validation when user drag and drop item from one multiselect to another.
    For example, the first multiselect named...
  3. Hi,
    I have solved this problem, thanks!
  4. I have a TreePanel and a Button, I want to get data from SQL Server to create TreeNode with checkbox dynamically.
    If I click the button, then get all the TreeNode which has been checked and output...
  5. Extension Method?
    Oh, I see, thanks very much!
  6. Hi!

    I have read the code above, but it seems that there is no such a function named Update in Label:
  7. Thanks your reply, But can you tell me how to call .Render() on the <asp:Label>?
  8. For example, I have a <ext:Button> and a <asp:Label>
    If I click the button, I want to change the value of label
    Is there any way to change the value of control? Thanks!
Results 1 to 8 of 8