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Type: Posts; User: Prasad

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  1. Thanks its works
  2. hi ,

    I want to set the multibox value after filling the multibox

    <ext:MultiCombo ID="cmbMedium" AllowBlank="false" BlankText="Select at least one medium"
  3. Hi,

    I want to bind the combo box dynamically using store plz help me out

    <ext:Store ID="StorePlace" runat="server" AutoLoad="true">
  4. Hi
    I want to fill the combo box dynamically using the enum

    <ext:Store ID="StorePlace" runat="server">
  5. Cant find... plx give me title for this
  6. Hi ,

    I want to upload the multiple photo.I write the code for single photo uploader its work but i want to load in batch.
    Pls help me

    the code for 1 photo uploader is

  7. Can we do it with using tab panel... or I am looking for the only one menu name on the left side....
  8. .

    This example is not working
  9. Hi,
    I Need the vertical tabs in Ext.Net. Plz help me

    Thanks in advance
Results 1 to 9 of 9