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Type: Posts; User: healingnations

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  1. Though not ideal, we solved this issue by moving the paging toolbar out of the BottomBar and into the TopBar. Firefox would not show the paging toolbar if it was in the BottomBar. Below is the markup...
  2. Just wanted to update in case others run into this. We decided to abandon this approach. Instead we placed the gridpanel within a Borderlayout inside a panel. This approach allowed us to place the...
  3. Anybody else experiencing this? Any ideas?
  4. // Client-side
    var gridRowData = Ext.encode(GridItems.getRowsValues({ selectedOnly: true }));;

    ' Server-side
    Imports Newtonsoft.Json
  5. make sure item_code is a ColumnId in your GridItems - <ext:Column ColumnID="item_code" DataIndex="item_code"></ext:Column>

    Haven't tried this, but below might work:

    for(i = 0; i <...
  6. version:
    Framework: 4.0
    Language: VB
    Context: Ext.NET Desktop
    In the thread...
  7. version:
    Framework: 4.0
    Language: VB

    The markup hierarchy is Desktopwindow, Tabpanel, Panel, BorderLayout, Region, Gridpanel

    In the gridpanel there are 101 records...
  8. Still getting "Transaction Aborted" when trying a Gridpanel Row Selection after sitting being idle for just a few minutes. This is very annoying. When I implemented the Taskmanager as a work around...
  9. Daniil,

    Just wanted pass this along regarding "Transaction Aborted", "Timeouts" and everybody using they taskmanager to avoid this problem.
    I did the following and it seems to have eliminated all...
  10. Thanks Daniil. This is good news.
  11. This was not a bug, I was just missing the StoredID for the PagingToolbar

    "To fix please set up: StoreID for the PagingToolbar.

    Generally, I think it should not be required. I will investigate...
  12. I was wondering what enclosed in CODE tag meant, now I know. The StoreID solved the problem. Thank's for your help. Consider this thread closed.
  13. Can you tell me what prevents you from running the code? Is it the databinding? Below is a test page with a simplified databind and markup. I can send attachment if you'd like? The data binds and...
  14. I've notice that on some browsers, the Ext.Msg message pop-up gets hidden behind any other opened windows (especially in desktopwindow development).

    Also noticed that "Transaction Aborted" was...
  15. Try putting the variable 'a' on a separate line and access the first element of the array directly. Sounds weird but I've seen this problem before.
    If that doesn't work then try putting a hard...
  16. dll version:
    .net framework: 4.0

    The gridpanel has a approximately 100 rows of data. The PageSize is set to 13 and the first 13 rows do show. For some reason the paging arrows...
  17. dll version:
    .net framework: 4.0

    The gridpanel has a approximately 100 rows of data. The PageSize is set to 13 and the first 13 rows do show. For some reason the paging arrows...
  18. I too can confirm this happened to me. Neither a TAB or ENTER Key fires the event, only a click away from the component causes the event to fire. I noticed this happens on the last column to the...
  19. In .Net Framework 4.5

    New support for model binders in Web Forms. These let you bind data controls directly to data-access methods, and automatically convert user input to and from .NET Framework...
  20. 1. This works!

    <head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <title>Ext.Net Example</title>
    <ext:ResourcePlaceHolder ID="ResourcePlaceHolder1" runat="server" Mode="ScriptFiles" />
Results 1 to 20 of 20