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Type: Posts; User: Anburaja

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  1. Hi,

    I have From and To datefield and in To Datefield I want to enable the last date of every month only.....

    <ext:CompositeField ID="CompositeField1" runat = "server" >
  2. Is any solution for this????
  3. Hi,

    I need to filter the data in grid2(Item List)/store2 based on the first (item details)grid/store

    Based on my attached images,

    code 41300098 is already selected and it is in item details...
  4. Hi,
    I shared the images in my first post....

    Here the code :

    <ext:Column ColumnID = "ItemCode" DataIndex="Item" Header="Item Code" Align = "Center" Width = "100" css = "color : Blue;" >
  5. Hi,

    I need to filter the data in grid2(Item List)/store2 based on the first (item details)grid/store

    Based on my attached images,

    code 41300098 is already selected and it is in item details...
  6. Hi,
    I am having the same problem....

    <Listeners >
    <Focus Handler="#{drpSupplier}.onTriggerClick();" Delay="1" />
    <Select handler...
  7. Hi,

    I updated the above code ( now - without the master page)

    Kindly check and clarify.....
  8. Hi,

    Thanks for ur reply...

    Here is the code :

    <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Sample.aspx.vb" Inherits="Sample" %>
  9. Hi,

    I am getting the value from SQL Db to the textfield...

    <ext:ComboBox ID="drpSecQues" runat="server" FieldLabel="Secret Question" Editable = "false" Width = "175"...
  10. Hi,

    It gets all the columns value......How can i get the values (one by one) in server side
  11. Hi,

    Thanks for ur reply.....

    These kind of examples are in Javascript - runat server.....

    But i need to get the values from...
  12. Hi,

    Hi i am selecting a supplier and then i display the gridpanel ..

    Now i need to load the values in the textfield in the gridpanel at runtime....accessing the values from SQL (in server side)...
  13. Hi,
    My store :

    <ext:Store ID = "GridSup" runat = "server" >
    <ext:JsonReader IDProperty = "ID">
  14. Hi,

    I am creating a Gridpanel like this ....

    How can i access the textfield/combobox values in server side -- in .vb...
  15. Thread: SVN update

    by Anburaja
    Hi, How can i update from SVN?

    Thanks in advance...
Results 1 to 15 of 15