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Type: Posts; User: Mohammad

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  1. In my project, I have a MasterPage.
    In MasterPage I have the following code :

    <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Master.master.cs" Inherits="KMS.WebUI.Master" %>

  2. Got it
    Thanks, I could resolved the problem :

  3. So, how can I commit or reject changes on GridPanel like the following code :

  4. But I fill it :

    <ext:Store ID="StoreGroups" runat="server" GroupField="GroupID">
    <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="GroupID">
  5. My Code is the following :

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function StartEditing(e) {
    if (e.getKey() === e.ENTER) {
    var grid = <%= GridPanelGroups.ClientID %>,
  6. My Code is the following :

    function MultiSelect_ContextMenu_BeforeShow(e) {

    var contextMenu = Ext.getCmp('<%= MultiSelect_ContextMenu.ClientID %>');
    var multiSelect =...
  7. Oops.
    My problem was solved with the following code :

    function UpdateCustomAttribiute(nodeId, id) {
    var treeGrid = Ext.getCmp('<%= KnowledgeFieldsTreeGridWithTextBox1.ClientID %>');
  8. I had a mistake in getting TreeGrid.

    Solution : I had to get TreeGrid instead of TriggerField

    function UpdateCustomAttribiute(id) {
    var tree = Ext.getCmp('<%=...
  9. I'm confused.
    You posted Well, "treeGrid" is not really a TreeGrid instance.
    but in the link that you posted it above, you wrote var node = TreeGrid1.getNodeById(id), nodeEl =...
  10. So, How can I Modify a CustomAttribute of TreeGrid's node in JavaScript ?
  11. I wanna get TreeGrid Node by ID in JavaScript.
    My TreeGrid is the following.
    in UpdateCustomAttribiute javascript function I wanna to get a TreeGrid node by its ID.
    everything is OK, but I get...
  12. My TreeGrid is the following, How can I modify a specific Node's CustomAttributes when onblur="UpdateCustomAttribiute(;" occurred ?
    I define onblur event into the XTemplate Textbox into the...
  13. This is my TreeGrid UserControl.
    Just if you get some errors on some lines, comment them.


    DownLoad from MediaFire
  14. The following is my TreeGrid. I wanna change or modify the textboxes value that is into the XTemplate in CodeBehind.
    I wanna change the Textbox value where ConfigItem's KnowledgeFiledId is...
  15. Thanks. It worked
  16. I've done it. But no changes !
  17. My custom's UserControl is the following. but I this error occurred : ci is undefined
    Could you please guide me ?

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"...
  18. in Page_Load

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (InitialValues == null) InitialValues = new List<List<int>>();
    if (!IsPostBack)
  19. Alright,

    Just one thing, I have a problem in getting TreeGrid nodes' NodeId that I've posted it here
    It would be...
  20. I'm using 1.2
    Well, Maybe the problem is caused because of my FF's Extensions
  21. The TreeGrid is the following :

    <ext:TreeGrid ID="KnowledgeFieldsTreeGridWithTextBox1" runat="server" Title="Fileds "
    Icon="Plugin" Height="300" AutoHeight="true"...
  22. I have a form in an Ext.Net Form.
    I wanna prevent submitting form if the form is invalid.
    but I get this error form.isValid is not a function in the following javascript line

    var valid =...
  23. I'm using the user control like below.
    The name of above UserControl is KnowledgeFieldsTreeWithTextBox

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MemberRegistrationPage.aspx.cs"...
  24. The thing that I'm working on it , is an UserControl:
    below is the full code :

    <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="KnowledgeFieldsTreeWithTextBox.ascx.cs"
  25. Do you check it out with Firefox ?
    I have Firefox 8
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