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Type: Posts; User: inspq

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  1. Thank you Daniil,

    the solution was implanted and worked. Althought the <Refresh> event of the grid panel doesn't seems to be trigerred right after the load of the store, the solution...
  2. Ok,

    the next sample has been tested and worked on my side. Note that the store contain around 750 items.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.aspx.cs"...
  3. Ok, sorry for that...

    Here we go part 2, if it still doesn't work i will have to send the hole page i think :S

    Note that in the example only one grid had the fix proposed not both.

  4. I inserted a Ext.MessageBox.alert('BeforeLoad') in the <BeforeLoad> and a Ext.MessageBox.alert('Refresh') in the GridView. And i realised that I got the message box "BeforeLoad" 2 times and 0...
  5. Hi Daniil,

    effectively, there is a refresh event for the GridView, my mistake about that.

    Since, I tried to put a time Delay, It fixed the ?undefined GridPanel? rendering problem.

  6. Hi Vladimir,

    I tried the solution to my project, with the two listeners, and the listener command <BeforeLoad> on the store return me an error saying the GridPanel1 is not defined. But i did add...
  7. Hi Vladimir and Daniil,

    I have no problem anymore. Vladimir script solved the problem of keys and lost focus on IE8. You can mark this tread as resolved.

    Спасибо / Thank you !
  8. Hi Daniil,

    If I use the mask, it makes the grid flash a lot of time for all half second filters, so I will not use that. For the key filter, it?s working fine for those 2 keys thanks.

  9. Hi Daniil,

    I achieved to add the KeyMap suggestion, I realized I didn?t had the property ?SingleSelect="true"? in the <ext:RowSelectionModel>.

    The bug is still there but happens really...
  10. Hi Daniil,

    I tried the solution with the <ext:KeyMap> you gave me and I have the same bug.

    But, I have notice something.

    When I tested the example of Ext.Net before...
  11. Hi Daniil,

    i tried to disable the field before filtering by modifiying my code as the same on the Ext.Net example plus with your modification, but i still have the bug when i do the...
  12. I builded in visual studio the svn version you gave me and took the dlls from the Bin folder to put into my project.

    Indeed for the TextField in the example, I thought they were NumberField or...
  13. Hi Daniil,

    I putted the dlls from the SVN version and I still got the same bug.

    So, if the GridView is filtering itself and there is a backspace key, the browser goes to the previous page.
  14. I am not able to access the SVN with my current credentials.

    National Institute of Public Healthcare of Québec (Canada)
  15. I use the one on the website.

    I will try the one you send me with the SVN url and give you feedback.

    National Institute of...
  16. Hi Ext.Net,

    I just converted my application from version 0.8x to 1.0. I got a bug that appeared and that wasn?t on the previous version. I have this header filter on a GridView that contain a...
Results 1 to 16 of 16