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Type: Posts; User: cottimucin

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  1. I changed my web config

    from <extnet licenseKey="xxxx" />

    <extnet licenseKey="xxxxxx" sourceFormatting="false" scriptMode="Release" gzip="true"/>

    and I add...
  2. <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Add "extnet" configuration section to Web.config -->
    <section name="extnet" type="Ext.Net.GlobalConfig"...
  3. my web config is now this

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Add "extnet" configuration section to Web.config -->
    <section name="extnet"...
  4. thanks daniil

    it is ok.

    solved my problem.
  5. I do this but sort company doesnt work

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="deneme.aspx.cs" Inherits="ogrenci.deneme" %>
  6. on GridPanel1 column company sorting turkish charecters problem

    turkish sort alphabet sequence is "A B C ? D E F G H I İ J K L M N O ? P R S Ş T U ? V Y Z"


    But company sort must be =...
  7. ext:GridPanel Column sort ASC or DESC in Turkish charcters (İ,?,?,Ş,?,?,ş) wrong!

    if ADISOYADI column startsh with Turkish charcters (İ,?,?,Ş,?,?,ş) it appears ADISOYADI at the end of gridpanel.
  8. I apply 'renderScripts="CDN" renderStyles="CDN"

    my Project run speed

    but some usres browser can't load page with (some user get blank page!)
  9. page first loading very slow

    is it possible to quick page loading?
  10. I dont want disable up down on NumberField

    I dont want increment when up key and I dont want decrement down key

    how can I do this?
  11. We use 2.5.3

    I want focus cell of column when I press keydown or Enter .

    I have a editable grid.

    the user enter the column12 , then press the enter or keydown.

    we want the...
  12. I have a editable grid.

    the user enter the column12 , then press the enter button.

    we want the next row cell active .
  13. we publish web site created by version

    but our webserver CPU reached %100 and our web site locking what is the problem ?

    could you help us immediately
  14. I get this error below

    'Ext.Net.GridFilters' does not contain a definition for 'Filters' and no extension method 'Filters' accepting a first argument of type 'Ext.Net.GridFilters' could be found...
  15. I install 2.5.3 and then I get Newtonsoft.Json.dll for 4.0
    my Project is build now

    thank you for everyting.

    I think yesterday thre was a problem Newtonsoft.Json.dll for 4.0

  16. I use visual studio 2010 and framework 4.0

    I do all what you said

    but I get this error

    indirect dependency on the assembly "Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral,...
  17. I get webform 2.5.3 from your download page

  18. I get 2.5.3 from
  19. I import dlls to my Project for framework 4.0

    but I get error this

    "Warning 3858 The primary reference "Ext.Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e12ce3d0176cd87,...
  20. thanks daniil everything is all right.
  21. content of the "s" variable when the Exception is thrown

  22. Hi Daniil,

    I do this

    <ext:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Icon="Printer" Text="Yazdır">
  23. Remote filter using sample is;

    e.Parameters[this.GridFilters1.ParamPrefix]; using with "Store1_RefreshData(object sender, StoreReadDataEventArgs e)"

    protected void...
  24. problem has not been resolved?
    but I solved my problem with this way.

    if I can get value of filter. I will be very glad.
  25. I used a textbox for filter and I set the filter same as below
    so that I dont need getvalue of filter.

    NumericFilter sf = (NumericFilter)GridFilters1.Filters[1];
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