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Type: Posts; User: Willimaendu

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  1. Not any idea?
  2. Hi all,

    I have a problem with a scrollbar. The following page has a tabpanel and there is a tab called "tab to look at".. In this tabpanel there is a gridpanel which should have a horizontal...
  3. I realized that if I set the height of the gridview the data will be displayed. But I don't want to set a fixed height, it should be flexible. Any idea?

    Thanks and regards
  4. Hi,

    I already made a post asking this question, but unfortunately I didn't get an answer. Now I prepared a working sample which demonstrates the issue I have. My grid panel does not display the...
  5. No idea what I can do?
  6. Hi Vladimir,

    I know I should post only runable code, but our web applications has a master page, then an aspx site and in this aspx site we have a container (user control). Therefore it's a bit...
  7. Hi all,

    I have a problem with the BufferedRenderer plugin. I have a UserControl which has a gridpanel inside. This gridpanel just displays data, no editing or sorting or filtering available there....
  8. Great, thanks! That works!
    Please mark it as solved!
  9. The form panel should a have minheight of 80px and a width of 100%
  10. Thanks for your reply!

    I want to use the full screen size available for gridpanel.. How would I do it then?
  11. Hi,

    I want to display a scrollbar just in the GridPanel. How can I do that?

    The markup is as following:

    <ext:Container runat="server">
  12. Hi,

    ok, we have a page which looks like that:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Test.aspx.cs" Inherits="Test" %>

    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent"...
  13. Hi,

    since we update from Ext.NET 2.3.1 to Ext.NET 2.4.0 we have a problem with the ext hyperlink control. We set the NavigateUrl in the code behind, it worked in 2.3.1, but not in 2.4.0! It causes...
  14. You are the best :)! Thank you, that was it!!
  15. Ok, our master page looks like that (simplified):

    <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Site.master.cs" Inherits="Test.Web.Site" %>

    <!DOCTYPE html>

  16. Well, things are a bit complicated.. So, we have a master page where the ResourceManager is defined. On this master page we include some js-scripts with the asp:ScriptManager.. One of the files we...
  17. I was wrong. The Ext.ux.BoxReorderer is undefined when I try to override it. I tried it on my User Control in the script tag to override but at this time Ext.ux.BoxReorderer is not available!! Any...
  18. It throw an error in endDrag because me.dragCmp.lastBox is null...

  19. Hi,

    it would be exactly what I need, I took the x-toolbar as ItemSelector. Unfortunately the reordering is not working correctly now.. I'm able to move around the panel but if I move for example...
  20. Hi,

    I use the BoxReorderer Plugin to reorder panels inside a container. Reordering works well, but my panels inside the container contains textfields as well, and because of the BoxReorderer...
  21. Hi,

    is it possible to add a new row to a datastore on Server side?

    I defined a GridPanel and a Store (AutoSync=True) inside this grid Panel. Furthermore I have a context menu to add and delete...
Results 1 to 21 of 21