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Type: Posts; User: ddeniz

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  1. Hi,

    i can add extrparamsresponse for button directevents like this;

    <ext:Button runat="server" Icon="Accept" Width="75" Height="40" Text="dothis">
  2. i changed codes like below and it does work

    RowSelectionModel smTD = this.GridPanel2.GetSelectionModel() as RowSelectionModel;
    smTD.SelectedRows.Add(new SelectedRow(clsted.ID.ToString()));...
  3. Hi,

    how can i set select checkbox in gridpanel when i bind the store?

    loading data but all checkbox is unselect

  4. Hi Everbody,

    i want use radiogroup in grid panel per grid row. I was read related threads but i can't.

    i used componentcolum but it doesn't work like i want. When i click any one option reset...
  5. Hi fabricio.murta,

    Thanks for answer,
    My scenario is simple actually.

    I Have a user list page and when i click gridpanel i calling PersonDetail window (YetkiGuncelleFormu method) with ID...
  6. Hi,

    i adding items to CheckboxGroup but i can't set checkbox checked value.

    How can i set checkbox check value by dynamically with add checkbox to CheckboxGrou?

    foreach (BolumClass...
  7. Hi,

    I searched and find a lot of answer like my questions but i can't solved my problem.
    i want call my custom method when gridpanel column renderer time.

    My Codes;

  8. i'll wait your answer i hope you fix my problem today
    thanks for helps and answers
    Doğan Deniz
  9. is it ok? did you understand my codes?
    can you fix my problem please?
  10. <ext:FormPanel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Region="North" Title="Cari Hesap Raporu"
    BodyPadding="5" Collapsible="false" MaxWidth="510" Frame="true" Icon="Find" ButtonAlign="Center">
  11. Hi,

    i adding checkbox by dynamically in checkboxgroup but when i click button i can't getting items.

    How can i get checkbox values?

    my codes;
  12. Hi,

    how can i change number format export excel before.

    My number value is 123.456,89 but new value 123456.89 after excel export.
  13. Hi @Daniil,

    i solved with use postback method, but i can't convert float datatype excel dont accept decimal seperator(,)

    my grid cell value like 123.456,07 but it's see 123456.07 and not number...
  14. Hi,

    i trying exportgridpanel data to excel like this

    but i getting error "Status Code: 200 Status Text: BADRESPONSE: Cannot...
  15. Thank you @Daniil

    I'll try.
  16. Hi,

    i have class like below,

    i set this class the store and displaying data on gridpanel but when i double click "Price" or "Price" fields, it's be empty fields and lost values.
  17. Hi,

    i getting error " iscollapsedplaceholder' is null" on gridpanel.
    what about this error? and how can i fix?

    i think gridpanel datasource cause this error becasue when i set more big...
  18. it dosen't work.

    has ProgressBarColumn click property also?
  19. Hi,

    has progress bar click handler? i want click progressbar and show details of progressbar percentage on modal.
    is it possible?
  20. @Daniil thanks so much :)
  21. Hi,

    i getting js error

    Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object
    when select a row on grid
    and it's open WebResource_2.axd file and automatic select these codes
  22. Thank you @Daniil
  23. Hi,

    i use ProgressBarColumn in gridpanel and when i set progressbar dataindex by percentage it seems like integer but my datavalue is float.

    Example; datavalue= 56,37 but it seems 5637%

  24. Thanks for your answer.

    Fieldset is a strange control :)

    my formpanel control's width type anchor and it's value 100% (it's works)
    like this;

    <ext:FormPanel ID="Panel1" runat="server"...
  25. Hi,

    i can't set fieldset width 100%. i tried set filedset width and anchor property but it doesn't work.

    how can i set filedset width 100% or autowidth?

    Her is my codes.

Results 1 to 25 of 25