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Type: Posts; User: alainfo

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  1. That worked great.
    Thread solved.

    Thank you very much.
  2. I need to customize a boolean column.
    For each record, if my column's value is true, than I have to show an icon, otherwise if it is false I don't want show anything.

    Many thanks for your time.
  3. Is there any way to add a renderer for a TreeGridColumn?

    Many thanks.
  4. Thank you very much, your workaround works fine.

    If you prefer mark as solved.
  5. Thank you for your response,

    that solves the scroll problem, but if I remove Layout="column", I can see only one column although I've configured three columns.

    Next time I'll place code...
  6. Test1.aspx:

    <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="Test1" Codebehind="Test1.aspx.vb" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>

  7. 1) Yes, the height of portlets exceeds the portal height.

    2) I'll provide you a full example as soon as possible.

    3) Here is markup equivalent:

    <ext:Portal runat="server"...
  8. I'm trying to load portal from code behind, here are loading methods I'm using:

    Private Sub setHome(ByRef pnlContainer As Panel)

    Dim portal As Ext.Net.Portal = buildPortal()
  9. How can I do it?

  10. If you are trying to hide "refresh button" on pagination toolbar, use this combobox configuration:

    <ext:ComboBox ID="cmbPONo" Width="350" runat="server" StoreID="stPONumber" TypeAhead="false"...
  11. I need to get selected node during page load:

    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim idToLoad as String = myGetID()
  12. Are you sue that your IDProperty in Store1 has to be "DATA_VENDA" and not "COD_VENDA"?
  13. Hi,
    how can I get the TreePanel selected node, server side (not during a DirectEvent)?

    I'm trying to select a TreePanel node and get back the selected node text (server side).

  14. Now your code is right, post all your code (including grid and store).
  15. I think you should use:

    <ext:Parameter Name="ID_MASTER" Value="this.getSelected()" Mode="Raw" />
  16. If you only need to hide the window, use this:

    <ext:Window ID="window1" runat="server" Title="Win 1">
    <BeforeHide Handler="#{window2}.hide();" />
  17. Because you set:

    this way you destroy Window object.

    If you only want to hide the window, you have to set:

  18. I think you problem could be in:

    Handler = "Ext.Net.DirectMethods.recordDelete(" + e.ExtraParams["DerslikID"] + ");"
    Handler = "Ext.Net.DirectMethods.cancelProcess();"

  19. I think you get this error because you destroy the window and then try to access its reference:

    Why don't simply use a listener? Are you sure you need to close (and not just...
  20. I don't know why your id must be duplicated,
    but you can call this function to test if a value already exists in a column of your store:

    var duplicated = function(store, colName, value)
  21. I confirm that updating from SVN didn't solve the problem under IE9.
    I've tested the code you posted, and I can view the result in the attached image.
    My O.S. is Windows 7 Pro x64

    I don't need...
  22. Please, use this:

    <ext:ComboBox ID="cboACID" runat="server" EmptyText="Select Contract" TypeAhead="true"
    ForceSelection="true" DisplayField="ACID" ValueField="ACID"...
  23. Have you tried something like this:

    Protected Sub Row_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DirectEventArgs)
    Dim sm0 As RowSelectionModel = Me.GridPanel1.SelectionModel(0)
    For Each row...
  24. Because I could need to get back the original unambiguous column name (server side and client side too).
    For example, in my application, column names can vary according to users' choices.
  25. Now I'm using Ext.Net 1.0.3859.28435.
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