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Type: Posts; User: his363

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  1. Hi,

    I need a gridpanel with each different listitems to combobox.

    and the combobox listitem added dynamically.

    My sample code below.

    I can't find a way how implement the combobox with...
  2. Thank you quick replay!!

    But our company don't want to version up.

    We're using Ext.NET 2.3.1.

    Can you provide the fixed source code?
  3. Hi,

    When I filter column, the filtered image and style has applied.
    But group header column does not applied.

    Is there any way of resolving that?

    <%@ Page Language="C#"...
  4. I'm using a Grid panel with multi header. and one of my column sets hide option.
    When I change the parent column to show, I'd like to hide specific child column.
    Is it possible?

    for example.....
  5. Thank you Daniil!! It works.

    I misunderstand about ImageButton.

    please close this thread.
  6. This bug appears in 2.3.1 and 2.4 latest version.
    and also can not disable image button in IE8.

    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
  7. check this article.

    Disable Compatibility View in IE8. It's IE8 problem.

    please close this thread.
  8. I've updated 2.3.1 just today.

    this bug only appears in IE8 with Windows Server 2008 R2.
    IE8 with XP is fine.

    update button location

    ie8 version
  9. Thanks, It works nicely. Please close this thread.
  10. Hi danil,

    In the gridpanel with row editing plugin. (version is 2.3.0)
    the bug is..
    show "colum2", then edit the row..

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
  11. Hi Danil.

    it would be related with selection memory plugin.
    I solved with SelectionMemory="false" in gridpanel property.

    see this issue....
  12. When I use 2.1 I never seen before. Anyway here is the report.
    There is checkboxselectionmodel in gridpanel.

    select a record.
    edit the record.
    reordering automatically. in this time...
  13. hi,

    I updated last week. Every topbar has strange stripe. I attached screenshot.

    before I updated, topbar worked nicely. Chrome works well version :

  14. Hi,

    I reproduced it. but can not find the bug.

    Maybe my query problem.

    Anyway, thank you. If I found, leave comment this thread.
  15. Hi,

    I'm using 2.1.1. When I try to get data over 50 records, the gridpanel lost some data.
    For example, the records total count from postgres is 50, but gridpanel has only 47 records.
  16. sequence of RowNumbererColumn issue.
    can you explain why this situation has happened?

    for example..
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...] is correct.
    but, my RowNumbererColumn in gridpanel is [1, 2,...
  17. hi,
    It can't display checkmenuitem with table layout.
    here is a part of my source.
    how can I fix them?

    <ext:Panel ID="Date_EveryMonth_Panel" runat="server" Border="false">
  18. I give height property them all.
    but when I use fitlayout, it works. only Vboxlayout doesn't work.
    please help me!

    Here is my source.

    <ext:Window Title="VBoxLayout Test" runat="server"...
Results 1 to 18 of 18