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Type: Posts; User: hjk1130

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  1. thank you !
    By the way,i found this problem does not exist on webform
    only in mvc
  2. controllers:

    public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult test()
    return View();
  3. yes,I know it runs very well in full example .
    But I would like to create dynamic view like your example.
    Read 'csthml' by [DirectMethod] GetView.
    And create view page by js like this.

  4. my codes :

    var X = Html.X();

  5. I used Mobile.Mvc like X.PolarChart()
    but the Ext.decode(response) been given you're trying to decode an invalid json string:
  6. Have any plans to provide photo browse control in
    support to zoom or sliding?
    And Why don't have any ext:img in now?
  7. by the way,how can i change the animation to type of slide and the direction is up or down
  8. thanks,it worked,and the iconcls is working well.
  9. TabPanel can provide Tab in left position?
    tabposition="Left" can not used like
  10. <ext:Image runat="server" ImageUrl="xxx"/>
    it can not be displayed in 4.0.0
Results 1 to 10 of 10