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Type: Posts; User: kakagu

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  1. Sorry, my English is poor. I found download link on github. thanks
  2. The download link is Pro version, NuGet is Pro version too, how can I get Community version
  3. I can't find v1.4 download link.
  4. My gridpanel is CheckboxSelectionModel, cell edit and ClicksToEdit=1, I can change dirty row and new row backcolor, example, I...
  5. Thanks, this work fine.
  6. thanks, but I don't understand, could you give me some example code?
  7. <ext:Store ID="Store_Main" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource_Main" SaveAllFields="true" />
    <ext:GridPanel ID="GridPanel_Main" runat="server" StoreID="Store_Main" />
    export grid to excel:
  8. Sorry, I am a Chinese, so my English is poor. I think you don't understand the xslt template for export. Following code is changed by me, from my project, first "for" create excel table header from...
  9. First row is excel header, you can define any string you want, next all row is record, used the Store field name.
  10. in XSLT template ,you can define excel header,

    //create xslt template for export
    protected string CreateXslt()
    string xml = gxslt1 + "\r\n <Row>\r\n";
  11. I don't understand what you want to do, if you want to post some parameters to A.aspx, you can do it like this:

    1. define a function in A.aspx

    function kakagu( params )
    alert( params...
  12. I want to save the dirty field only, so, I set Store paramter "SaveAllFields" is false, like this:

    <ext:Store ID="Store_Main" runat="server" SaveAllFields="false" />
    When I want to export the...
  13. Sorry, isn't bug. My GridPanel is remote paging, in the Store OnRefreshData function, normal, e.Start is zero, but fire by
    PagingToolbar.doLoad(), e.Start is -1. I solve it by following code:
  14. <script type="text/javascript">
    function setPageSize(item) {
    var size = parseInt(item.getValue());
    if (size == 0)
    var height =...
Results 1 to 14 of 14