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Type: Posts; User: chriskellerx10

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  1. That was it! Thank you. I did not see the other 'ext' parameter after 'Coolite.ext.web'
  2. Hi, Thanks for the reply.I get the error...
    Name 'Ext' is not declared.
    When I try that. And if I do 'Coolite.ext.' the only property I have after that is '.Web' I cannot get '.msg'
  3. Hello everyone!

    I am trying to use a message box as in the examples on the website in a button click event.
    I do not get the properties that are used in the example to work example...

  4. That did it! Thank you very much...I appreciate your time.
  5. Protected Sub GetModels(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AjaxEventArgs)
    If cmbMake.SelectedItem.Text.Trim = "" Then Return
    If cmbMake.SelectedItem.Text = "All" Then Return

  6. Thanks for your reply. I have done this so far...

    I created a store for the 2nd combobox data and added an ajax event to the first combobox that calls a getmodels() sub routine that binds the new...
  7. Well...ultimately I am new to Ajax and it scares me a little.

    What happens is when the first combo is has the option 'All' ot a specific make (chevy,ford,honda,etc)...
  8. Hi All. I am adding items to a combobox on the page_load event in in this manner.

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    cn =...
Results 1 to 8 of 8