Search Results

Type: Posts; User: gnostic

Search took 0.01 seconds; generated 22 minute(s) ago.
  1. I take a lot of time for change defalut align toggle of htmleditor from "justifyleft" to "justifyright", and could not success.
    I set "RTL = true;" for editor, and i expect that "justifyleft"...
  2. Dear fabricio
    I'm sorry to careless, i tried to continue "Multiline tab" Thread, without attention to Target forum.
    New post(Multiline(multirow) Tabpanel) in 4.x Help is here.
  3. hi

    I have a requirement to display multi line tabs without tab scroll with tabpanel.
    I found bottom css solution in ext.js forum but it's not worked for 4.x .

  4. Dear fabricio

    Thanks for guidance, off course i'm trying to do it on 4 or later (Exactly 4.4.2). is there any css or override way?
  5. hi
    I found bottom css solution in ext.js forums but it's not worked for ?

    .mycompany-tabpanel-onerow ul.x-tab-strip {
    width: 10000px !important;
  6. Thanks dear fabricio, your answer is always first and best!

    I could change datepicker of datefilter in ext.js by pickerDefaults config option and investigating Ext.grid.filters.filter.Date class....
  7. How can i change datepicker of Datefilter in GridFilters_Remote with my customized datepicker written in ext.js.
  8. Thanks dear fabricio
    Yes, you got my question correctly, and answered correctly too.
  9. How can i add event to paging buttons in combo box, like next button in this image from combo box search


    My purpose is javascript event or ext.js event if is possible.
  10. How can i change custom search example so that use alternative choice instead AjaxProxy and base on server side data search.

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>

    <script runat="server">
Results 1 to 10 of 10