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Type: Posts; User: simonespagna

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  1. In my cshtml file I have the following code :


    var onsucces = function (data) {


  2. How can i put onload event in cshtml page?
    The event is used to populate form component.
    I have a javascrtipt thad to a execute diret to a event controller.
    Nice to help me.
  3. I have a MVC application that uses in view layer a grid panel.
    This panel has poor rendering performance only in Internet Explorer.
    Does anyone know some trick in order to solve the problem?...
  4. The context is the same I have exposed in my past post.
    n my cshtml file i have the following code in script section :

    var exportExcel = function() {
  5. I solved my problem.
    The error was the parameter name in the Javascript.
  6. In my cshtml file i have the following code in script section :

    var exportExcel = function() {
  7. Hi guys,
    When i activate a page in my web application I throw error 500 while debugging the following line :

  8. Can you provide me a sample method to put in the controller of the called page that parse parameters and fill other component in base of their value?
  9. I've a grid panel command button like the following :

  10. I solved the issue.
  11. Hi all,
    I have a MVC Ext.NET web project.
    I do a base controller with the following code :

    public class BaseController : Controller
    protected override void...
  12. I solved the issue.
    Thank you very much.
  13. Hi all,
    in my cs html I have a buttom item like the following :

  14. Hi guys,
    I have to populate a grid with a parametric sql server function that returns a table.
    Can yuu provide me a sample code?
    Thanks in advance,
  15. Yes Danil, please help us.
  16. Calendar View ( You almost have to remove layout related things )

    @using Ext.Net;
    @using Ext.Net.MVC;

    @model List<It.EBillings.CIRFOOD.POC.Models.MonthModel>

    ViewBag.Title = "Test";...
  17. I try to illustrate better the situation
    View/Anagrafica/Anagrafica.cshtml is the caller with this portion of code:

  18. Hi guys,
    I have a grid direct command with a url redirect and some parameter.
    This is the portion of code into the caller cshtml file:

  19. I've solved the issue using this code in the html css :

    directEvents.Command.Url = "/PianoFerieOreMese";
    directEvents.Command.Action = "";
    Command.Url is the solution of my problem.
  20. I have a ASP.NET MVC web site.
    In the controller folder I have the file PianoFerieOreMeseController.cs where in one method i put the following code :

    if (cpfs!=null)
  21. Thanks guys for your help.
    I'll try the solutions you have exposed below.
  22. Hi guys,
    I want to know how I have to do in ordet to create a set of grid in Ext.NET.MVC ( cshtml ) to manage the following model :

    List of
    public class PianoFerieOreMeseModel
Results 1 to 22 of 22