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Type: Posts; User: dziedziela

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  1. Ciao Fabrizio, puoi contattarmi se vedi questo a, credo di avere un'idea di collaborazione, pero' prima vorrei parlarne.

    A presto
  2. Hi Ext.NET team,

    When is going to be the next update of the v1.x?

  3. Are you using local store or remote store?
  4. Rather than using in text format, use txtDate.SelectedDate.Date, then you'll be able to format it easily. Don't convert it to string. Hope it helps.
  5. Good to know, thanks.

    When the next release of v1 is up?
  6. Hi Ext.Net team,

    I guess Cachefly provides a better performance than embedded resources. I was just wondering if it's safe to use it now as you mentioned that there were bugs on the cachefly...
  7. Guys, I found the solution to the problem. The workaround for version 19+ of Chrome is:

    Add to the bottom of your page the following script:

    <script type="text/javascript">
  8. Hi guys,

    I made some further research on this and found this article on the Sencha website:...
  9. Hi All,

    I think there's an issue with the latest version of Chrome (v19) and the Ext.Net Grid and AutoExpandColumn. There's a horizontal scrollbar in a grid width AutoExpandColumn. The issue is...
  10. Hi,

    I think there's a new issue with the new version on Chrome (v19) and the Ext.Net Grid.

    You can open with Chrome v19 one of the examples on the website:...
  11. Hai visto questo?
  12. One more thing, you could check if you're referencing a Javascript from a Fn that doesn't exist or have a different interface.

    Applicazione Assicurativa? ;)
  13. Check if there're any changes in the web.config. I had the same issue when modifying controls at design-time.
Results 1 to 13 of 13