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Type: Posts; User: nootn

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  1. Hi, I had the same problem - assuming you mean "which control fired the direct event which caused a postback", so I inspected the Request.Form items, and found this this happened to conatin what I...
  2. OK thanks - I understand. So I guess the way the editor works we can't really say it's "cross browser compatible" because it has different behaviour in different browsers.

    In that case, do you...
  3. I have a simple editor set up similar to your example in on the last tab, "Editor Panel".

    I noticed that some characters are converted to their...
  4. Hi Vladmir,

    The exact example that Geoffrey provided does not work for me. I am using the release version, Ext.Net 1.0.

    Here is my exact code, the only difference with mine is the page name...
  5. Hi Geoffrey, thanks for logging the feature request, that would be great if it worked eventually. In the mean time I will have to work around it.

    I put the code into my application exactly as...
  6. How do you get access to dynamically added controls in a separate direct event?

    For example, lets say we have one button which uses a direct event to add text fields to a panel, then the user can...
  7. Excellent, thanks heaps - that works!

  8. Hi, the SubmitNodes event on the TreePanel is handled differently to most other events in that you do not configure it through Listeners or DirectEvents. So, I am just wondering how to get it to...
  9. Hi Daniil, thanks very much, adding that line to hook up the event is what I was missing! Simple error, sorry about that.

    You may close this one now and mark as solved.

  10. Hi Vladmir, thats for your incredibly fast response. I removed that and now I get an HTTP 200 error, but the following javascript error:

  11. I am creating a tree panel dynamically in the page load event of a page, then adding it to some container like a panel. However, I cannot figure out how to handle the "submitNodes" event as I get an...
  12. I am creating a tree panel dynamically in the page load event of a page, then adding it to some container like a panel. However, I cannot figure out how to handle the "submitNodes" event as I get an...
  13. Nope - no reply yet! Still not working!
  14. There is a post containing instructions on how to get the CheckBoxSelectionModel to check all items on all pages, however it does not seem to work in IE8.

    Here is the original issue which is...
  15. Yes I agree, this does not work in IE8. I might log a separate issue because this one is already marked as solved.
  16. The grid filters plugin is great, but there are scenarios where you want to filter where something is NULL/NOT NULL or EMPTY/NOT EMPTY.

    It would be really great if there were options for these. ...
  17. I am using version

    I have a DateField as follows:

    <ext:DateField runat="server" ID="TxtPublishDate" MsgTarget="Side" FieldLabel="" ReadOnly="true" Disabled="true"...
  18. Thanks, that works!
  19. If you have a label, and you use an AjaxMethod to set the value, then you use an AjaxMethod to try and retrieve the value, the value will always be empty on retrieval. However, if you set the value...
  20. When you show an ext:Window, is there a way to ensure the window size is not higher or wider than the browser area - at the moment it can be, and you lose the top and bottom bars, and cannot close...
Results 1 to 20 of 20