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Type: Posts; User: ITECH-Developer

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  1. When trying to print ext tree panel the icons of the tree and the tree lines dose not appear on the printed page.

    i just use : window.print(); javascript to print the page.

    but when replace...
  2. I am using IE8 , IE9

    Just open all the tabs and monitor the iexplorer process using windows task manager.
  3. The problem is already exist on the example explorer for V1.6

    and i am using the the V1 and i have the same problem.

    Is there anyway to solved this problem?!
  4. I belive Yes

    <ext:Panel ID="tpBroadCastInbox" Icon="Email" runat="server" Title="Inbox" meta:resourcekey="pnlBroadCastInboxResource1" Border="false">

    <AutoLoad Mode="IFrame"...
  5. yes i think,

    i am using a TabPanel Control and inside the Items section i place the tabs (panels)

  6. The test case already exist on demo

    when you open any example (demo) from the left menu a new tab will be open on the right section,

    please watch the browser...
  7. As asuggestion can i destroy the inactive tabs in the tab panel?!!!
  8. i have a serial problem in the performance of my web application,

    i am using a tab panel control,

    i noticed that "Memory usage" keep rising using the task manager on the client machine when...
  9. I have a number field with max value 10

    if i enter a value greater than 10 a validation is fired but when i click any where on the page outside the field the number field is cleared and the...
  10. when adding a user control that contains a textfield with AllowBlank ="false" to a fomr panel content then try to check the isValid() method for the form panel it will give you a true result which is...
  11. I have a user control contains controls,
    I want to render this control inside panel in the content section

    The following is the code i used, but it seems there is a problem in...
  12. Yes i am using a GridFilters,


    <ext:DateFilter DataIndex="datecreated">
  13. My problem is not on DateField only,but in the GridPanel Filter of type "Date" too,i believe i cant use the suggested drop down as solution for this.
  14. I want the dateField show me the "Hijri calender" when click on it instead of "Georgian Calender".

    I dont know if the datefield support othere calenders cultures
  15. Please is there any updates about the post here.
  16. Yes Its a java-script class (JQuery),

    please remove the .txt (i added just to be able to upload the zipped solution)from the end of the attachment and unzip it,and run the code.
  17. Could we work together to add this feature to EXT calender?
  18. We are developing a new product for the middle east using library controls,

    we have a big problem to preview the DatePicker control ,DateField control or any other date control as an...
  19. did anyone find a solution for this problem?
    The Islamic (hijri) calender is very important in middle east software market.
  20. Hi All,

    When i open the create form for the first time the page will have one scroll :


    but when validation messages of the controls appears another scroll appear like in the following...
  21. We add two check columns to grid panel dynamically in code behind , we want to allow one check box and only one to be checked at the same time and at the same level.

    is there a way to allow one...
  22. Thank you for your replay, but it does not work !!

    I solved it by running the following script after the controls are rendered:

    var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("div");

  23. Thank you for your replay,

    here is the code

    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
    <%@ Register Assembly="Ext.Net" Namespace="Ext.Net" TagPrefix="ext" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0...
  24. Hi All,

    We are using Ext.Net library to build our system.

    we used a lot of the library controls, including panels, text fields, etc

    the result is very good on Chrome, Firefox, IE 9.0 (The...
Results 1 to 24 of 24