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Type: Posts; User: lordofthexings

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  1. I have a gridPanel that I m creating semi dynamically.
    This is the static code of it:
    The first column in from left (Search Button ) how can I set it to a fixed width?
    The below should work...
  2. What does Headercolumn.AutoWidthCorrection property refer to?
    And how can I set the width of a HeaderRow to fix width (not matter how many Headercolumns added to the HeaderRow) ?
    And what does...
  3. I found why I was getting the Ajax error
    After checking from FireBug I see that it s an error of "The control with ID 'btnSearch' not found."
    This button is in the header of GridView and its a...
  4. Im getting an exception when I call an ajax method from a button inside the HEaderRow of a Grid.
    Just for testing I created two more buttons and I m calling the same ajax method from them and they...
  5. Thanks , it works great.

    Now my concern is that I m filling the GridPanel dynamically:
    The Button is in the HeaderRow in GridView . I want to call an Ajax Method from that button. But I m getting...
  6. I m trying to call an AjaxMethod from a button which is in the HeaderRow of a GridView
    It gives me a Javascript error , even before clicking to it :"target is null or not an object"

    When I put a...
  7. The below works but I m ext.util.Format's HtmlEncode and decoding using C#, are they compatible?
    Any one has any info on that


  8. I have a gridpanel , when I use the below it gives me the values in JSON :
    <RowClick Handler="alert (Ext.encode(#{GridPanel1}.getRowsValues()).toString() );" />

  9. This gives me : "[object Object]"

    <ext:Parameter Name="Values" Value="Ext.encode(Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(#{GridPanel1}.getRowsValues()))"...
  10. I'm able to get the row values of a gridpanel which I m populating programatically using Ajax

  11. I m loading a aspx page to a window via Autoload,
    The window doesnt have scrollbars if the page content is not too wide &amp; tall.

    When the height of the window changes because more lines added...
  12. I'm using this for now

    protected string EscapeHTML(string HTML){
    HTML=HTML.Replace("<", "&amp;lt;");
    HTML=HTML.Replace(">", "&amp;rt;");
    return HTML;
  13. I'm loading some text to a textfield, the text is html , so it renders as if it is a html page.
    So if the text value is like below, it shows a div instead of showing this:

  14. And IF I dont want any ajax what should I do
    I just want to trigger server side code with a selection of the Tree,
    because I m filling a grid programatically based on the Tree's selection
  15. How can I raise the server side code with selection ?
    A listener can not raise non ajax server side method?

    I want to modify the below to a server side code instead of JavaScript add...
  16. I will use __doPostBack to do it until a cleaner way is posted ?

    <ext:TreePanel ID="tvTables2" runat="server" MaxDataBindDepth="3" AutoGenerateDataBindings="true" EnableViewState ="false" ...
  17. How to get the selected node without using Ajax events
  18. I m recreating a grid based on the selection of a treepanel, how can I get the selected node of a TreePanel ?
    I cant recreate the grid inside an Ajax method so I need to use the standard server...
  19. Right now I m creating a GridPanel dynamically after selecting a node of a TreeView .

    I want to use TreePanel instead of TreeView and I m using 0.8 so I can't create the GridPanel inside an Ajax...
  20. Is there a sample that shows how to get the node of a TreePanel with a full postback?

  21. Is there a sample that shows how to get the node of a TreePanel with a full postback?
  22. When and where is the v1.0 released ?
  23. That solved
  24. I was thinking that TreePanel doesnt have a DirectEvents property but when I use the intellisense with any coolite control , none shows directevents as a valid property.

    Im using VS 2008...
  25. Treepanel doesnt have a DirectEvents property, how can somebody use it?
Results 1 to 25 of 34
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