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Type: Posts; User: Hrishi

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  1. Sorry for posting it in the wrong Forum.

    We are using 5.2.

    You can close this Thread.
    I was able to accomplish this by adding a CheckColumn.js file in Ext/override folder and...
  2. Hi,
    I am using Ext.Net.CheckColumn with HeaderCheckbox in a GridPanel. Need to implement some custom functionality. When the user clicks on the HeaderCheckbox, only checkboxes in rows that have...
  3. Works perfect!!
    Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks.
    I am creating the series from code behind like this.

    var series2 = new LineSeries();
    series2.XField = NameBinding;
    series2.YField = new[] { "Max" };...
  5. Hi.
    I am creating a chart control from Code behind and adding Line Series. I searched everywhere but cannot find a way to change the stroke width of the Line series. I am using 5.2 with...
  6. Thanks. I was able to do the steps mentioned. Seems to be working. Had one question. On switching to this theme, suddenly everything is a lot bigger than what used to be. i.e. the buttons are bigger,...
  7. Hello Support,
    How can we use "Spotless theme" with Ext.NET Legacy 5x Application?
Results 1 to 7 of 7