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Type: Posts; User: zasif

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  1. Thank you for the example,

    In fact I want to have a multiheader gridpanel. My problem is that the whole data for this gridpanel is in a List<data>. I need to get every string field to be like...
  2. Thank you for your reply.

    rtvList contains a table with multiple fields (above 30 fields)... I need a GridPanel which will manage all of these fields. I want to know if it's possible for me to...
  3. Hello @fabricio.murta,

    Actually I use this example : GridPanel MultiHeader/Filter/

    In my @ViewBag.ListeLV I've all my data that's why I wanted to use DataSource() directly. But now thanks to...
  4. I have a big problem with my GridPanel filter's comboBox's from EXT.NET MVC.

    I've added listeners to my columns comboBoxes for date and number types columns and it works very well but when I try...
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