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Type: Posts; User: wichogg

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  1. Thanks a lot!!!!

    This work just fine, I notice I cannot put absolut pathfile to load an image, it always has to be relative path files.
  2. Hello.

    Thanks for your help, also your advice I will follow your guidance on future request.
  3. Hello all!!!

    I have one error I do not understand.

    If I add the following line inside a asp webform button it works just fine:

    asp side:
  4. It work thank you!

    The only thing to keep in mind is that you should change the radial value before you reload data.
  5. Hello everyone!!

    I have a Radial Chart with the current axis:

    <ext:RadialAxis Steps="5" Maximum="250000" />
  6. Thank you!!!!!

    I have to override RowModel too.

    Here is the code if some one else need it:

    Ext.override(Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing, {
  7. Thank you for your Help.

    I can't find how to override the onSpecialKey function.

    I try with this:

    <KeyMap >
  8. Hi, thank you.

    I want to change it while editor is active, I notice that if it were a regular textbox cell inside the grid, when you change cells, the text always get highlighted, But with enter...
  9. Hello.

    I'm kind of new to EXT.

    I would like to make enter key works exactly as the TAB key does in this example:

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