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Type: Posts; User: theblackcat_2902

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  1. Thanks you,
    But the code is still undefined for btn_SubmitClick() function.
    I have copied on aspx page and it work well.
    I prefer javascript work on PatialView.
    Could you help me for this?...
  2. Thanks for your reply
    My error is btn_SubmitClick is not define.
    I do not call javasript function.
  3. I change:

    <ext:Window runat="server" ID="wdow_EditStaff" AutoScroll="true" Title="<%$Resources:Resource, StaffFormPanel111%>"
    Maximized="true" Modal="true">
  4. Thanks for your help
    I have try but javascript not works.
  5. Hi,
    I have a problem with MVC
    My controllers:

    //User control Insert Chapter
    public ActionResult uc_InsertChapter(string containerId)
  6. Hi,
    I have problem with grid panel,
    when I select 5000 records and then I refresh pages
    I have error Out of memory
  7. How to set from 8am to 18pm of dayview in calendar panel
    Please help me.
  8. Thanks for your help.
    If you can do it.
    Please tell me know.
  9. I have displayed calendar panel successfully.
    But I want display block 15 minutes,
    Calendar panel only display block 30 minutes in dayview.
    When I add 9:00 to 9:15 and 9:15 to 9:30.
    I don't see...
Results 1 to 9 of 9