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Type: Posts; User: ven

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  1. I need some global method which is fired on any user interaction on page to reset session timeout counter that i make in javascript.
    Do you have any sugestions.
    I use messagebus on masterpage to...
  2. thank you for answer

    the solution is:

    var deselect = function () {
    var grid = App.GridPanel1;
    sm = grid.getSelectionModel(); ...
  3. Hello , when i have remote paging in my grid when i call clearselection method for selectionmodel there is only cleared selection on current page,
    how to clear selections in all pages?
  4. Please Help with this
  5. Hello

    Im using calendar with remote data like in this example

    and i have one question how to reload EventStore using directmethod.
  6. solution is


    in tabpanel creation script
  7. Hello,

    I have panels created dynamically by javascript code with frames where are loaded aspx pages,
    on first panel i have only gridpanel with store and on second i have fields that adds data to...
  8. i found solution based on examples - i know first look to examples and then ask a question:


    this thread may be closed
  9. Hello

    I have two or more tabs created by this code:

    var addTab = function (tabPanel, id, tytul, url) {
    var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
    if (!tab) {
    tab = tabPanel.add({
  10. X.Msg.Confirm("Komunikat", "Czy zapisać zmiany w wizycie ?", new MessageBoxButtonsConfig
    Ok = new MessageBoxButtonConfig
  11. hello

    i have handler on confirm window which call two functions first one is directmethod and second one is in js file included to page.
    the problem is that in firefox everything is ok and two...
  12. Hello, please tell me how to add more html to event box displayed in dayview and weekview. there is only title and hour. I need to add there more html - i think about that solution: i have customers...
  13. memory usage even above 1GB is generated by FIREBUG - in firefox - without firebug enabled is at 100-200MB so its normal,
    and i also added closeaction destroy to my tabpanels.
    This thread may be...
  14. hello, im using this code to add tabs with iframes to tabpanel:

    var addTab = function (tabPanel, id, tytul, url) {
    var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
    if (!tab) {
    tab =...
  15. Hello on parent page im using this code to open new tabs in tabpanel with loading of aspx pages in iframes:

    var addTab = function (tabPanel, id, tytul, url) {
    var tab =...
  16. hello

    how to get events to calendar from database table. i have table with columns eventid,calendarid, and all fields required nad then

    eventstore.datasource = mydatatable;...
  17. Sorry for confusion, the problem was with deploing application - not all files was changed on server, everything is ok, this thread is to delete or close
  18. because i have other application on this server without and there is session variables working the same way
  19. hello

    i have problem with session variables - everything is ok when i run project on VS2010 internal server, when i deploy it on II7 Windows Server 2008 i have problem with session variables:
  20. Hello, how to convert record from ExtraParams to DataRow or something what i can put into session and show in other window to edit

    the code for gridpanel is:

  21. Thread: click counter

    by ven

    i have a simple page with button and label, and i want to count button clicks and show thic counter in label, this is my code:

    int a;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender,...
  22. now everything works, i forget to use

    if (!X.IsAjaxRequest)

    store1.datasource = selectsql("");
  23. Hello

    Lets say i have method to select data from database - method is called selectsql(filter) where filter is my own filter using LIKE statement. method is returning datatable.
    And when the...
  24. ok, i understand that, but how make this new created window to be single ( user cant open another one when first is created)
  25. im using this code to create new window:

    function createDynamicWindowChild(urls, descr, ids, ht, w, maxi) {
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