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Type: Posts; User: cocci

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  1. Oh, perfect.
    We have just become premium member.
    As soon as possibile i'll try with 1.0 version.
  2. Maybe i miss something about coolite method.
    My actions come during an event:

    Protected Sub DblClickRigaEdifici(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AjaxEventArgs)
  3. Oh, it was my mistake.
    I just copy & paste from the first line. I was making my tests only on Panel6.
    But i see that there an error, i suppose.
    This code makes me add AGAIN all the FormLayout...
  4. Hello,
    i try to add some textfields runtime but i can't see them.
    I post the code for more clearance.

    <ext:FormPanel ID="FormPanel1" runat="server"...
  5. Hello,
    i can't retrieve all the data from a single selected row in a gridpanel.
    I found one example where it shows:

    <ext:Parameter Name="RIGA_ID" Value="this.getSelected().id"...
  6. Hello,
    i have a Store like this:

    <DIV class=forum-code>

    <ext:Store ID="StoreGriglia" AutoLoad="false" runat="server">
  7. Hello,
    i have a Store like this:

    <ext:Store ID="StoreGriglia" AutoLoad="false" runat="server">
    <ext:HttpProxy Url="Ws.asmx/InsRich_GetData"...
  8. Hello everyone!
    I'm a newbie about coolite!
    I wanna ask you about the performance between Coolite and ExtJs. I see that the page is requested every action.
    My worry is that there's a massive...
Results 1 to 8 of 8