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Type: Posts; User: adipoaca

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  1. I am not sure if this is a bug or my loading screen is not setted properly.

    While the data is fetched from the database a loading screen is displayed on the window. This window is not full...
  2. Very good article. This is a good read before starting any Ext.NET project.
  3. How can I remove from the ext:PagingToolbar all the elements regarding the pages and just leave the right bit the "
    Displaying 1 - 10 of 29 " elements ?
  4. Hi Marcos Lima,

    I am not sure what is your problem. If you use this code

    <ext:FormPanel ID="FormPanelSolicitacao" runat="server" Title="Nova Solicitação"
    Icon="Add" Width="760"...
  5. Remove


    Let me know how it goes.
  6. Hi Marcos,

    Can you please post your client side FormPanel code ?
  7. I think your problem is on the server side.
    <Click OnEvent="showDetail"> does not have the same name as ShowDetails, it is case sensitive. Also your function needs to have be on the following...
  8. can you post the code from the server side ?
  9. I don't think that is possible. Once a row has been added to the grid it will have the same properties as the rest.
  10. You have a little error there Value="this.getSource()['Detail'])"

    You have an extra bracket at the end.
  11. Thank you for your reply but I realised that what I was doing was very inefficient. Doing a query to the server every second is disastrous if multiple user are accessing the page. What I changed is...
  12. If you change the size of the last column from width=50 to width=100 you can fix that problem
  13. No probs, it also works on multiple lines as well

    <%-- Inser comment here
    and here
    and here as well --%>
  14. <%-- Insert Commnet here --%> This should work.
  15. I currently have a GridPanel that retrieves some data from a database. This query takes around 25 seconds. I would like to display a loading screen on the grid panel while the data is fetched from...
Results 1 to 15 of 15