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Type: Posts; User: Stijn

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  1. Hi Geoffrey,

    after some testing it looks like the other package is missing the validation config. Removing the line and installing the package does not add the line.

    So you can mark this issue...
  2. Is there an event I can subscribe to for when all drawing has finished?
    Right now I bind to Ext.onReady and also use setTimeout, to be sure all elements have been positioned. This is to add some...
  3. Thanks, hopefully they can fix it soon :)
  4. Thank you for the reply. I'll try to open a new thread with example sometime next week.
  5. After a bit of trial and error, I found that enabling a theme/style takes care of positioning the tooltip near the mouse. So I'll have to find out the required CSS (can't use a theme since it...
  6. I'm having moderate success using ChartTip.

    .Renderer(r => r.Handler = "this.setTitle('Hello');")

    1. How can I make it...
  7. I'm having issues with getting the labels to render correctly. The data itself is fine. Below are a few examples with different configuration. Am I not using `MajorTickSteps` correctly?

  8. We're currently evaluating Ext.NET to see if it can do what we need.

    As an exercise, I've tried to port the Bar Chart Sample to the Razor engine. It's not easy without documentation, but it's...
  9. Thread: Disable theme

    by Stijn
    Can I disable the theme? It's doing this to my body tag, resulting in the font changing:

    <body id="ext-gen1021" class="x-body x-gecko x-reset x-theme-blue">

    Found it.
  10. The other package in this specific case is dotless
  11. An ASP.NET MVC 3 application by default has this line in Web.config

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

    The line is also included in the Web.config.transform file of the...
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