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Type: Posts; User: aelen

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  1. Where can I download "~/Views/Shared/_BaseLayout.cshtml" file?
  2. Hi,
    When I select on the combobox in GridPanel after edit then numerical expressions (combobox values) shows. But, I want to display on text in GridPanel when I have chosen out of Combobox Text. In...
  3. Hi Daniil,
    It wasn't solved the issue. You can see, I sent an attachment picture.

    This issue, doesn't show in Internet Explorer, while showing in Firefox and Google-Crome.

  4. Hi,
    When I click a link ( for example Response.Redirect("~/main.aspx"); ), I get a error "Communication Failure".
    I tried to stop task before page redirecting;

    protected void...
  5. The problem was solved. You can mark as Solved. Thanks...

    [DirectMethod(Namespace = "elen")]
  6. Thank you Daniil. It's solved...

    Best regards,
  7. Hi,
    How can I uncheck selected rows in GridPanel after post process?

    I have used this example

    It wasn't worked...

  8. Hi,

    Combobox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
    its not working so, value is not reset. Can you help on this issue?

  9. Hi,
    When I click 'Evet' button, such as the following is a problem

    Runtime Microsoft JScript error: 'DirectMethods' Can not get property value: the object is empty or undefined

Results 1 to 10 of 10