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Type: Posts; User: hat04

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  1. Hello,
    This error occurred on version 5.3.
    Maybe this component is used little by customer, which component other customer use in search?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Only Chrome has error, IE and Firefox is OK
  3. Hello

    I have error when press next or previous button on combobox example. Is it bug or not. Please see my attach.

  4. I add tab use PartialView

    public ActionResult AddTab(string containerId)
    var result = new PartialViewResult
    ViewName = "PosInvoicePartialView",
    ContainerId =...
  5. public JsonResult ExtCheckDuplicateUom(UOMEditViewModel uom)
    var repository = new UomRepository();
    Uom exists;
    if (uom.Id != null && uom.Id != 0)
  6. I use RemoteAttribute of mode but it doesn't work with It alway show "UOM code already exists. Please specify another one."

    public class UOMEditViewModel
    public Int64...
Results 1 to 6 of 6