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Type: Posts; User: naren

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  1. Daniil,

    Looks like it is VS 2010 issue. I had to close/open VS and reset the project startup and it worked without any exception error.

    Thanks for your time.
  2. I was in the process of upgrading our Ext.Net version to our projects and got an exception error in our base page class that used to work in previous version.

    Error pointing to -...
  3. If you un-comment the set() method in below snippet, you will see the error message.

  4. attached aspx and code behind
  5. Hi,

    I am trying to update a field in the parent grid column based on a value change in child grid (defined in rowexpander of the parent grid).

    This has been working without any issue until I...
  6. Daniil,

    Thank you for your support.

    I used the rowIndex to update the store which automatically set the dirty flag.

    - Naren
  7. I am not able to change the string value of a cell in my grid.

    Here is the code from the button listener handler...


  8. I moved the DropZone tag outside of my viewport and not getting the parse error anymore but moved on to javascript runtime error at null or not an object error in getRepairXY sample from...
  9. Hello,

    Is it possible to use the drag and drop feature with GridPanels in two different iFrames.

    I have a parent frame, and multiple child frames. Items from a GridPanel_Source in parent...
  10. Yes, but I never got a solution for that.
  11. We have a team of 6 and not everyone has Coolite 1.0.0 svn login to download the latest.

    Can one person from the team download svn updates and make a build and copy Ext.Net.dll on our shared...
  12. Yes, we tried to copy the shared dll to the C:\ drive and did not work.

    Does it require to copy the solution folder to C:\ drive and then make a unique build for the PC?
  13. We are a team of 4 now and will be 10 eventually.

    Does every one need to download the Coolite updates via SVN and make a build for the latest update or can one SVN user download to our share drive...
  14. Error in Ext.Net\Ext\ColorPalette.cs at line #43


    should be something like

    this.Select(string str);

    I commented to make my Ext.Net build for now. I guess this needs to be...
  15. Can somebody explain how garbage collection is handled in Coolite?

    This is one of the major problems we had with GWT/ExtJs version earlier.

    Now that we are migrating to .Net with ExtJs/(may...
Results 1 to 15 of 15