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Type: Posts; User: devSF

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  1. Hi Fabricio:

    Thanks for your help.
    In this moment my focus is in another part of the migration process. You can close the thread if i need something later i will ask again.
    Have a nice day.
  2. Hello:

    Thanks for your answer.
    Do you have some recomendation or some examples to do something with the same function?

    Have a nice day
  3. Hello Fabricio:
    I have the next piece of code in coolite:

    <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1"...
  4. Thanks Fabricio:

    Your advice was nice. I get solution with this code:

    <Loader runat="server" >
    <Load Handler="Ext.defer(Panel_Update, 1000, this);" />
  5. Hello Fabricio:

    Thanks for your answer.
    It run t Ok but for some reason the second panel initially appear over the first panel. Like show you in the picture.

    But if a click the collapse...
  6. Hello:

    I have the next piece of code in coolite to manage region in panel (It´s incomplete code only for explain):

    <ext:TabPanel ID="tabDepositos" runat="server" Height="830px"...
  7. Hello Fabricio:

    Thanks for your help.
    The error was fix. The problem was that i need to declare the loader:

    Panel.Loader = New ComponentLoader()

    Best regards
  8. Thank´s Fabricio:

    The info is very good for us in our migration process.

    Have a nice day
  9. Hello:

    I got solution.

    Panel.Loader = New ComponentLoader()
    Panel.Loader.Url = pagina
    Panel.Loader.Mode = LoadMode.Frame
  10. Hello Fabricio:

    By 'update', you probably want it to be polling the server from time to time?
    That's right. That's the reason i don't need a buttom.
    Do you have some example in this case.
  11. Hello Fabricio:

    Thank's for your answer. I review the examples but in that case are using a Click Event for a Buttom in the listener using the loader. Like the next code.

  12. Hello:

    I forgot to say that the version Ext.Net is 4.

    Have a nice day.
  13. Hello:

    In coolite we have the next code:

    Panel.AutoLoad.Url = pagina
    Panel.AutoLoad.ShowMask = True
    Panel.AutoLoad.MaskMsg = "Cargando..."
  14. In the process of migrate from coolite 0.7 to Ext.Net 4. We have the next code to update a panel in coolite.

  15. Hello,

    How can I upgrade my project from 1.7 to 4? Or do you have a documentation where I can read about it?

    Thanks, regards
Results 1 to 15 of 15