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Type: Posts; User: krishna

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  1. thnks its working us.
  2. hi,

    we are using to multiple gridpanels with checkbox field on each gridpanel, on click of a button i would like to iterate through each gridpanel to get all the selected rows from each gridpanel
  3. Hi All,

    how to select multiple rows using multicombo.

    below m provide my code:

    <ext:MultiCombo runat="server"
  4. i want speech recognition how can i work please help me ASAP...

    help me this is possible or not in
  5. <ext:TaskManager ID="TaskManagerTimer" runat="server">
    <ext:Task TaskID="servertime" Interval="1000">
  6. how to fasle "HasFile" property when after successfully adding one file

    plese help me ....
  7. desktop:ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_MyDeskTop.desktop});new...
  8. IN .CS Page

    Ext.Net.ResourceManager openwindow1 = new Ext.Net.ResourceManager();
    openwindow1 =...
  9. m trying to javascript like this it is not working

  10. I have a scenario like this,.
    I have two opened Desktop windows (Ex: window1, Window2). when I made some changes in window2 and Closed, On close of window2 I want to reload window1.
    How to...
  11. i got it....
  12. i got it.......
  13. Ext.Net.MenuItem objMenuItem;
    objMenuItem = new Ext.Net.MenuItem();
    objMenuItem.ID = "SM_" + "222";
    objMenuItem.IconCls ="patient.png";...
  14. reply me any one its very urgent................................
  15. Ext.Net.MenuItem objMenuItem;
    objMenuItem = new Ext.Net.MenuItem();
    objMenuItem.ID = "SM_" + "222";
    objMenuItem.IconCls ="patient.png";
  16. .CS File (Codebehind code)

    private void LoadMenu()
    UserServiceClient UserService = new...
  17. .aspx Page

    <ext:ResourceManager ID="ScriptManagerRegistration" runat="server" EnableViewState="true" AjaxViewStateMode="Enabled" DirectMethodNamespace="EHR"/>

  18. how to calculate the automatically the system screen height and width.give me any code......
    In Java script only and any browser...
  19. how to use the window.showModalDialog .pls help me as soon as possible
  20. how to create the callback give me related example..
  21. Its not working.
    public static string GetPhysicianName(string PHYID)
    return "Hello"+ PHYID;
    scheduler.templates.tooltip_text =...
  22. But here i want return to return the result.

    EHR.GetPhysicianName("Test", {
    success: function(result) {
    // do whatever...
  23. Pls tell me how get the return type function value in javascript.below i m providing my code.

    .Js File Code

    tooltip_text = function(start, end, event) {
    var FF =...
  24. <ext:Store ID="StorePayments" runat="server" GroupField="EncounterID">
    <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="EncounterID_CPT">
  25. protected void BeforeExpand(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
    string[] ids = e.ExtraParams["id"].Split('?');
    string id = e.ExtraParams["id"];
Results 1 to 25 of 48
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