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Type: Posts; User: m_bo

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  1. Hi,
    I need to insert and update row in a grid's store from codebehind, can you please tell me the code...
    I've tried

    MyStore.Insert(0, jsonString);

    where jsonString is the row in json...
  2. Thank you!
  3. I notice that also when I try to read the property server side it has no more value....
  4. I tried changing the name of the property into preValue and getting the value with #{idTextfield}.preValue but it gives me always 'undefined' ...
  5. Thank you!
    I fill that field server side but when I read it by javascript it gives me 'undefined'.
    Does this happens because it is a custom property?
    Thank you
  6. Hi,
    I need to read using javascript a custom property of a textfield:

    <MY:MYTextField id="txtUserName" runat="server" fieldLabel="UserName" oldValue="usernameOld"></MY:MYTextField >

  7. Thank you,
    I think that the problem was that I was using master pages, if I put the form and my control inside a page without the connection to the master page everything goes ok.

  8. Hi,
    I wrote my Server Control Textfield by inherits from Ext.Net.Textfield.
    When I use it in a form I get always empty string in it's Text value in code behind during form submit.
    It happens only...
  9. Hello,
    I have a FormPanel: is it possible from code behind write the content of form into a store and then the FormPanel will read from it and display data?
    Or has Store to be used only with...
  10. Hi,
    I find some difficulties working with layout.
    My layout is the following: 2 columns layout with a TabPanel in the right column just like examples.
    In the right column I load aspx...
Results 1 to 10 of 10