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Type: Posts; User: ssenthil21

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  1. My code

    using Ext.Net;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    X.Msg.Alert("title 1", "Msg 1").Show();
    X.Msg.Alert("title 2", "Msg 2").Show();
  2. Sample i used

    <ext:MultiCombo ID="mcmbLocation" runat="server" DisplayField="CodeDisplayName" ValueField="Code"
    AllowBlank="false" >
  3. I am using ext multicombo and by default iam selecting all items. When i click (unselect the checkbox) for the first time corresponding checkbox not getting de-selcted.

    Even in select listener...
  4. Hi Daniil,

    Where i can find the attached images.

  5. hi,

    I found the solution we have to add GroupDir property to Store. which will sort the group in respective direction with the filed specfied in GroupField no need to give remortsort = true

  6. Hi,

    Scenario :- Having a grid panel with grouping to show employees previous activities. Grouping with some status(Grouping Field). I want to show the latest activity in the top. My BL layer will...
  7. Thanks Its working fine
  8. Hi

    I am new to
    I have a grid panel with checkbox selection model. I am doing a running count logic e.g (2/10 records selected) when we select / deselect row. I have written javsacript...
Results 1 to 8 of 8