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Type: Posts; User: prointernet

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  1. Hi,

    any chance to get the clear button back in v5? :-)

    <ext:TextField runat="server" Width="120" EmptyText="Search">
  2. Hi Support,

    can you take a look at the "Scrolling Menu":

    Scrolling up and down doesn't work like expected. Scroll wheel is buggy...
  3. same problem like this thread:

    i tried several ie11 on diffrent machines all with the same problem....
  4. Thats no design feature, right? ;-)

  5. Hi, how can i set the label z-index in a chart with LineSeries?
    The Labels are always behind the line and sometimes you cannot see the full number...

  6. Hi, im trying to set the ValueField to an ListFilter. But theres no option

    var sFilter = new ListFilter();
    sFilter.DataIndex = F.Name;
    sFilter.StoreID = childGrid.Store.ID;
  7. It works with the Ext:DateColumn with Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm" and JsonReader RecordField Type "Date"...
    Seems to be a problem in the DateRenderer Function for standard Grid Columns??
  8. Hi, no the Servertime is the same. I have the same problem with the v2 Infinite Scrolling Demo:

    The JSON Data looks like this:...
  9. Hi, Ext.NET always converts the JSON Date to GMT+0. For Example:

    JSON Response looks like this: {"Name":"xxx","Erstellt":"2012-05-11T11:45:23"}
    ... and Grid renders the date to: 13:45:23

  10. thank you! scroller is visible now.
  11. Hi,

    the scroller in IE9 disappear with Portal in Fitlayout. IE8 is ok:

    IE8: 2969
    IE9: 2970


    <ext:Viewport ID="vpPage" runat="server" Layout="FitLayout">
  12. Hi, im trying to group an Combobox Result into GroupTitle > Results with an template.
    The problem is that the keyboard navigation selects only the items on Level1.
    Is there a way to set the...
Results 1 to 12 of 12