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Type: Posts; User: stratek

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  1. Your grid's Cloumns need editor. If one of your columns don't have an editor, you will get this error
  2. Thank you very much Daniil my problems are solved. You can close this thread
  3. Hi Daniil

    I update my Ext dll from svn , i changed double types to float in javascript and i comment; line than my event edit window showed my data but...
  4. Hi Daniil

    I rearranged my codes and i create new project with another computer and i test it. it is running with errors as i said in my previous posts
  5. Hi Danil

    I edited my post. You can run it now. When i comment; line than
    event edit windows shows some data but some data is not appear. When i debug...
  6. Hi Daniil
    I simplified my code for understandig and i add MyEventModel.cs code
    I have a calendar problem with ext net 3.1 .When i am using ext net 2.0 my calendar works fine but with 3.0 in my...
  7. I want replace or move panel on window from west to north and from north to west using button? I exploded very much but I didnt find anything.

    I have a center panel id="cntrPanel" and one panel...
  8. Thanks for help ad your inform on CODE.

    I have found the solution. Addding following meta the head section did not work.

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />
  9. We have problem with Ext 3.X. You can check our problem from this site:

    Problem is if you change explorer settings to compatibility mode page...
  10. We have problem with Ext 3.X. You can check our problem from this site:

    Problem is if you change explorer settings to compatibility mode page...
  11. I have smilar problem on FieldSet. if i set collapsed=true , DateField is not open calendar on click. if i use collapsed=false calendar is working normal. I use Ext.Net 2.0. When i use panel instead...
  12. Thank you Daniil, it worked for me (:
  13. It worked. Thanks
  14. I downloaded from and compiled.
  15. I have a FileUploadField problem in "Ext.NET 2.1".
    My code with "Ext.NET 2.0" FileUploadField works but same code with "Ext.NET 2.1" it doesn't.

    Attachments: Output from the version "Ext.NET 2.0"...
  16. I find the solution of my timefield problem in another thread that you answered.
    Thank a lot :)
  17. I am using EXT 2.1,

    <WeekView ID="WeekView1" runat="server" TodayText="<%$ Resources:Seagull,TAKVIM001 %>">
  18. I want to mask more than one components on one event.

    <Select OnEvent="ServiceSelected">
    <EventMask Msg="Msg to show" ShowMask="true" Target="CustomTarget"...
  19. Thank you so much ;)
  20. I realize that i am not using the latest version. My version is 2.0.0.beta3.

    - TooltipConfig solves my second problem.
    - My south region works without having explicit height but i give an...
  21. I remove fieldcontainer and use a panel and problem solved :)
    But i can't find the alternative of Qtip yet
  22. Hi, i have a grid panel like this.

    <ext:FieldContainer Layout="HBoxLayout" ID="CompositeField6" runat="server" Region="South">
    <ext:GridPanel ID="grdSorumlu"...
Results 1 to 22 of 22