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Type: Posts; User: ChinaUser

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  1. 3618

    protected void Button_DirectClick1(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
    using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(System.Text.Encoding.Default))
  2. Chinese characters in the IE9 display abnormal,very small.
  3. Thank you. Like EXTNET
  4. Format="m/d/Y H:i:s" ,it is good.
  5. <ext:RecordField Name="StatTime" Type="Date" DateFormat =" Y/m/d"/> ,In GridPanel this column does not display data.
    But removed the DateFormat ="Y/m/d" normal.
    Give me a hand! Thank you.
  6. 呵呵 希望早地招到:):):):)
  7. 我想通过Session来控制GridCommand的可用和不可用 请教怎么实现?

    <ext:CommandColumn Header="修改" Resizable="false" Align="Center" Width="60">
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