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Type: Posts; User: sateeshdasarikapil

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  1. hi
    if you are providing custom row number...
    follow this...
    if you provide grid rows count at row index, you will succeed..

    Provide this value at row number-----> ...
  2. Hi...
    Try this one . cmbMobilizationPerc.setReadOnly(true);

    It may overcome your problem
  3. hi dear,

    do you mean not to select the value from combo box?
    if it is.. just disable that combo box. i tried and succeed

    cmbID.disbale(); //from client side same as server side
  4. Hi dear,

    <ext:Column ID="Column5" runat="server" Text="Location" DataIndex="Location" >
    <ext:TextField ID="txtLocationName" runat="server"...
  5. Hi...
    In the above case, if the location value is 'Main office' it will return as empty.. else the text value will render to that column..
  6. let me know are you using editor property with in column
  7. < Renderer Handler="if (value=='Main Office') {return ' ';}" />

    place this function with column which column you want
  8. Hi dear,
    If you are binding the data from the database through store, just add record as 'select all' to that store.
    else do the following...

  9. Keep posting, if u have any doubt
  10. <Listeners>
    <TriggerClick Handler="if (tag === 'selectAll') {
  11. Hello,
    I worked on same condition, Solved by below condition

    for (var a = 0; a < control.getStore().getCount(); a++) {
    var rec = control.getStore().getAt(a);
  12. Hi,
    I tried this and got it as your Code procedure.

    DataTable dt = new DataTable();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  13. <script type="text/javascript">
    var getRate = function(grid, column) {
    var values = [];
    var rate = 1;
    var store = grid.getStore();
  14. Hi BATCCA,

    Let me know the process of creating a custom theme for EXT.NET Application.
    Thanks in advance..
  15. I tried a task well, but i did not catch requirement.

    The task to develop Tree Panel with the nodes as it is solution Explorer..
  16. Use This One.

    <EventMask ShowMask="true" Msg="Loading" MinDelay="300" />
  17. In my application, one text box should allow numeric and one special character i.e, dot(.) only...

    I restricted that text box to do not allow any other characters using Maskre Property.

  18. Hi dear friends,

    I found a URL that contains all the data for custom theme for EXT application in the site "".

    I download some...
  19. My Team developing an EXT application. In this application, we need an another theme which is not Slate,Gray,Access. My intention to develop with a custom theme like yellow,green etc.

    I will...
  20. .aspx Design Code:

    <ext:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit two grids">
    <Click OnEvent="SubmitGrids">
Results 1 to 20 of 20