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Type: Posts; User: luchexrb

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  1. How I can open the dialog of a FileUploadField programatically with javascript???

    I found this: #{FileUploadID};
    But does not work. This produce a exception after you...
  2. Hellow nagesh, I have the same problem. Could you provide me the working example please.

  3. Ok, 'disableViewState' work!
  4. Ok, I have this code:


    <ext:Checkbox ID="chk" runat="server" />
    <ext:Button ID="btnTest" runat="server" Text="check">
    <Click OnEvent="btnTest_Click" />
  5. Yes how I can remove the viewstate in the new R2 version???

    When I use removeViewState="true" in the web.config I get this error:

    Attribute 'removeViewState' not recognized. Note that...
  6. Hello,

    I have a problem when I try to change the status of a checkbox from a directevent using c #.

    I have tried the following:

    checkbox_var.Checked = true;
    checkbox_var.Value = true;...
  7. And what is the solution??, because the links above do not show any solution. thanks
  8. Hi,

    I had used Ext.NET 1.0 RC1 controls with .net framework 3.5.

    I had setup the application on Windows 2003 (32 Bit) with ISS 6 its working correctly.

    I had setup a new server with windows...
Results 1 to 8 of 8