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Type: Posts; User: odyssey

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  1. Well I wish that was the problem . I edited code for simplification.Actually bindIntervalId is mssoc.live_search.fn.bindIntervalId

    lateBind: function (data) {
    if (data.length == 0)...
  2. I am facing performance issue if I want to add data in store in specific time intervals .For example

    lateBind: function (data) {
    var rec = 0;
    var grdStore =...
  3. True. It really works. Most probably I messed up some Firefox windows in firebug
  4. How to add new task in taskmanager at client side.For ex.


  5. You are right. Two things.
    First the requested method return type should be changed from DirectResponse to void ,and new DirectResponse shout include Return()
    like this

  6. Well then the script is not being executed at all .It wrap ups the script in textarea tag
  7. IE popups a dialog to save a json file in the example bellow.Which is not true in other browsers

    <ext:FormPanel runat="server" ID="frmUploadImage" Layout="HBoxLayout"...
  8. Is it possible to make LiveSearchGridPanel plugging to make multiple matching .For ex.
    lest say I have 2 words "one" and "two" how to highlight both of the with different color.
    I tried the...
  9. I agree.However the same is not true for fireox,IE the datetime displays correctly
  10. <ext:GridPanel runat="server" ID="grdTst" Width="400" Height="250">
    <ext:Store runat = "server" ID = "storeTest" AutoLoad = "true" >
    <Fields >
  11. This weired bug occurs only in chrome based browsers, and it happens if store's model field is not specified as date
  12. Well thanks for quick reply.
    Well I dont have any problem with 'Fitlayout'. I wanted it to be fitayout. See the example

    <ext:Panel ID="pnlComponentLoader" runat="server" Title=""...
  13. I am having hard time on loader
    for example

    if (url.indexOf('aspx') == -1) {
  14. this just works

    var window = new Window("Server time", Icon.Time)
    ID = "MyWindow",
    Html = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
    Hidden = true

  15. I have following cod

    <ext:FormPanel runat="server" ID="frmFileUpload" Title="File Validation" BodyPadding="5"
    Url="handlers/file_validator.ashx/processFile" Width = "450">
  16. Imagine a texfield with custom suggestions .For example when textfield receives focus panel or some kind of container will presented where user can pick up some items
  17. well just to make an drop down panel and will put the content inside .The contents will be some interface where the user can choose items In other world it does not have to be store bind.
  18. thanks Daniil for quik reply . But I feel somehow uncomfortable with Dropdown field or more to say Is drop down appropriate for auto complete scenario.
    What I want to achive is textfield when...
  19. In example Provides a way for listconfig to display an html for selecting an item.How about instead of html template using ext control for...
  20. proposed workaround works only if there is only one column . Label is not aligned correctly if there are more columns. S7572ee the picture
  21. Thanks Daniil
  22. Searching lilte bit on forum on custom validation I came to the following solution

    Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {
    validateLength: function (value) {
    if (value != '')...
  23. How did you change legend colors? since they do not correspond to the series color
  24. Great. Thanks.
  25. Well here it is

    <ext:Store runat="server" ID="storeTest" AutoLoad="false">
    <ext:AjaxProxy Json="true" Url="~/stores/ProjectsService.asmx/test">
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